Open to Members and Non-Members
Personal Training
Independent Program
Meal Plan
Group Fitness
Personal Training
Exercising one-on-one with one of our trainers emphasizes all aspects of the workouts; recovery time, muscle memory, understanding of the movements, deadlines for goals, and more. I&S trainers are qualified professionals that take the time to explain the kinesiology and physiology prior to/as movements are executed, and they take that extra step to demonstrate if need be. Our elite personal trainers dedicate themselves to developing your programs and working alongside you in carrying out every feature, making sure you not only achieve your goals, but surpass them too.
Independent Program
Working out independently assists you in practicing form, technique, and self monitored discipline on your own, which naturally builds self confidence in knowing you can do it. We schedule one-on-one time between you and your trainer to discuss everything and anything when developing your IP; each program is carefully thought out and tailored to you.
Meal Plan
Every meal plan is synthesized in such a way that it incorporates training times to match energy levels, promote stress reduction, and flow well in your daily activities. We review your current diet, food allergies, training patterns, fitness and health goals, work schedules and more, so that each menu flows based on the individual. P.S. Having a complete program (i.e, PT+PVT-Boxing+Menu or, IP+Yoga Class+Menu, etc.) results in the most well-rounded, solid results!
As you may or may not know, we specialize in programming. Programs encompass everything each individual needs; PT, IP, meal plans, cross training, physical therapy and etc. specifically tailored to you. As Stu has said “Workouts don’t work. Programs do.” Training with a complete regimen tackles every aspect of your life that is a direct/indirect factor in your health journey. Some ways the I&S Team does this is by; thoroughly going over the client’s medical history and fitness goals together when creating your programs, our trainers working closely with their clients by completing scheduled check-ins, and always staying in open communication.
Group Fitness
Our group fitness sessions always have a cap of a small number of participants to ensure each individual receives direct focus from the instructor, is able to receive personal direction, all the while completing a great session with great folks! Classes range from novice to professional experience, so everyone is welcome to decide what suits you best.